Create viral short video 10x faster with AI

Whether from your own content or 100% entirely generated by AI. Just 3 clicks to generate script, voice and lips movements of Avatar. Generate subtitle, add background viral music, generate social media description.
Get started for Free in less than 60 seconds
Upgrade as you scale • No credit card required • Cancel anytime

2 ways to use

Generate from your content

Generate by AI


Start for Free to try (include: 5 Avatar videos with voiceover, 15 scripts generations by AI)


≈ 4 videos per week

$ 27 Month
  • 45 credits (2 credits per complete videos or 1 credit per Avatar videos with voiceover)
  • ~15 complete videos or 45 avatars videos with voiceover
  • 50 scripts generations by AI
  • 500-character limit script
  • Video duration: ~30s to 45s


≈ 1 video per day

$ 47 Month
  • 90 credits (2 credits per complete videos or 1 credit per Avatar videos with voiceover)
  • ~30 complete videos or 90 avatars speaking with voiceover
  • 120 scripts generations by AI
  • 750-character limit script
  • Video duration: ~45s to 1 min


Start from

$ 97 Month
  • 180 credits (2 credits per complete videos or 1 credit per Avatar videos with voiceover)
  • ~60 complete videos or 180 avatars speaking with voiceover
  • 250 scripts generations by AI
  • 1500-character limit script
  • Video duration: ~45s to 1 min 30s
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